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You, our students, will undoubtedly have many important deadlines on your minds this fall (drop and add periods, course withdrawals, assignment submissions, and extracurricular deadlines), but there’s another very important deadline that students too often overlook. This year, circle in big red felt on your print calendar and set multiple reminders on your devices this date: October 5, 2015.

October 5th is the last day students and other citizens can register to vote in the November 3rd election; and it is an important one. While justices of the United States Supreme Court are appointed, Pennsylvanians elect their State Supreme Court Justices. Your vote will matter, and now you can register to vote or change your address online!

This November election, you will have the opportunity to vote for 3 Pennsylvania Supreme Court seats. This is the same court that recently held the state Voter ID law to be unconstitutional, approved of the map for legislative districts, ruled against big business in favor of fair wages, and legalized same-sex marriage. Some of the most important social and legal rulings impacting you will occur at the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to make your voice heard through the ballot box.

register to vote

Online voter registration is now quick, painless, and efficient. Simply visit The online form takes about 5 minutes to complete and submit, shorter than it takes to drink a cup of coffee! You’ll receive an application number and a copy of your application downloadable in PDF format. In about 14 days you’ll receive your shiny, new voter’s registration card for you to use at the polls November 3rd.

Your vote matters, and you can influence the process. The amount of money you will pay in tuition is directly impacted by the state legislators you elect; the level of equality and fair treatment you receive will be determined by the judges voted on this year.

Today American freedom doesn’t even cost you a stamp—just five minutes to register your voice online and another five to make it heard at the polls on November 3rd.
Who can’t spare that?